Nutzungsbedingungen – Terms of use


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Durch das Setzen eines Links zu fremden Websites („Hyperlinks“) macht sich Liquid Energy Trading Company Swiss S.A. weder diese Website noch deren Inhalt zu eigen. Ferner ist Liquid Energy Trading Company Swiss S.A. nicht verantwortlich für die Verfügbarkeit dieser Websites oder von deren Inhalten. Hyperlink-Verknüpfungen zu diesen Websites erfolgen auf eigenes Risiko des Nutzers.
Die unter zur Verfügung gestellten Informationen und Daten bieten dem Nutzer einen informativen Überblick über die Firma, geben aber keine Empfehlung oder Aufforderung zum Kauf, Verkauf oder sonstigem Handel von Produkten und/oder Wertpapieren.
Für Lieferungen oder Leistungen der Liquid Energy Trading Company gelten ihre Lieferungs- und Zahlungsbedingungen und für Lieferungen oder Leistungen an Liquid Energy Trading Company ihre Allgemeinen Einkaufsbedingungen, jeweils in der aktuellen Fassung.

Terms of use

This website is operated by Liquid Energy Trading Company Swiss S.A.. Except as indicated otherwise, all rights in or arising out of this website are the property of Liquid Energy Trading Company Swiss S.A..
Save and except as stated otherwise expressly and in written form, the Standard Terms of Sale and Delivery of Liquid Energy Trading Company Swiss S.A. are not in any way altered or amended by this website, its content, or the materials or information provided therein.
Liquid Energy Trading Company Swiss S.A. has exercised all reasonable care in the compilation of the information on this website. The information on this website is provided in good faith and is, to the best of Liquid Energy Trading Company Swiss S.A.’s knowledge and belief, accurate at time of publication. Notwithstanding this, to the extent permissible by law no information on this website shall give rise to any guarantee, warranty, representation, promise or liability on the part of Liquid Energy Trading Company Swiss S.A.; nor shall it release the user from the responsibility to conduct his/her own investigations and tests.
All use of this website and of any other website connected with it or linked to it by hyperlinks is at the user’s own risk. The information on this website is provided to the user on an “AS IS” basis and, to the extent permissible by law, without any express or implied guarantee, warranty, representation, promise or liability on the part of Liquid Energy Trading Company Swiss S.A.. Any liability on the part of Liquid Energy Trading Company Swiss S.A. for damage or loss caused by or resulting as a consequence of use of this website is hereby expressly limited to liability for intentional damage or loss. In any event, Liquid Energy Trading Company Swiss S.A. accepts no responsibility or liability whatsoever for indirect, coincidental or consequential damage or loss caused by or resulting as a consequence of use of this website. All damages and defect claims on the basis of errors or omissions are hereby expressly excluded.
All matters relating to or arising out of the Liquid Energy Trading Company Swiss S.A. website are governed exclusively by the laws of Switzerland. The place for performance and – to the extent permissible by law – the legal venue for all disputes is Muralto, Switzerland.
Liquid Energy Trading Company Swiss S.A. may at its own discretion and without acceptance of any liability amend or discontinue operation of this website or any part thereof at any time without notice. Liquid Energy Trading Company Swiss S.A. is under no obligation whatsoever to maintain or update this website.
By including on its website links to external websites (hyperlinks), Liquid Energy Trading Company Swiss S.A. in no way accepts responsibility for these websites or their content; nor does it in any way signal that the views or opinions expressed in the external websites necessarily coincide with its own. Liquid Energy Trading Company Swiss S.A. accepts no responsibility for the availability of these websites or their content. All use of hyperlinks to these websites is at the user’s own risk.
The information and data made available at give the user an informative overview of the company, but do not constitute any recommendation or direction to buy or sell or make any other trades in products and/or securities.
The supply of goods and the provision of services by Liquid Energy Trading Company Swiss S.A. are governed by the Terms of Delivery and Payment of Liquid Energy Trading Company Swiss S.A., as amended. The supply of goods and the provision of services to Liquid Energy Trading Company Swiss S.A. are governed by the Standard Terms of Purchase of Liquid Energy Trading Company Swiss S.A., as amended.